
Timekeeper Module


Status Change

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Status change fields are used for "split" T&A reports. Split T&As are required when an employee's employment status changes in the middle of the pay period. A split T&A may include a Status End, Status Start or both.

If only a status end or start needs to be completed, select the appropriate type from the list and enter the day that status is effective. Enter the day of the pay period of the status change. Leave this field blank if there was no status change. Valid entries are blank and 1 through 14.

Week 1

1 Sunday
2 Monday
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
7 Saturday

Week 2

8 Sunday
9 Monday
10 Tuesday
11 Wednesday
12 Thursday
13 Friday
14 Saturday

Then enter the transactions (time in pay, other time and dollar transactions) that apply to the status.

If you need to complete both a status end and start (such as for a promotion in the middle of a pay period) click Dual T&A at the bottom of the form. Enter the starting day of the new status in the field at the top of the form. webTA will calculate the status end day as 1 less than the status start day. Enter all T&A data. webTA will split the T&A and create separate transmission records for the end and start periods.

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