
Timekeeper Module


Regular Scheduled Overtime/Salary Cap

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This field should be coded as None for all employees unless they work regular scheduled overtime or are authorized to exceed their bi-weekly salary cap.

Employees who are authorized to exceed their bi-weekly salary cap should have this field coded as May Exceed Salary Cap regardless of their regular scheduled overtime status.

Otherwise, this field only applies to GS and regular Other full and part time employees who are FLSA exempt and work regular overtime (not incidental overtime). Regular scheduled overtime is time that is scheduled in advance of the administrative work week.

Employees who have alternative schedules 5/4/9 or Variable Workweek that work regular overtime hours should be coded as Both Weeks.

All other employees that work regular overtime hours should be coded depending on which week(s) of the pay period has regular overtime hours: Week 1, Week 2 or Both weeks.

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