
Supervisor Module


Work Schedule

Getting Started

This page is used to create or modify work schedules.

Schedule Type

When creating a work schedule, you must select a schedule type. When you save the work schedule it will be checked to see if it conforms to the rules for that schedule type. The schedule types correspond to the Alternate Schedule choises in an employee's T&A profile.

Effective Date

This is the date that the work schedule takes effect. The effective date of a work schedule must be the start of a pay period. It is possible to the create a work schedule in advance, it will take effect when the employee is built into that pay period.


Marking a work schedule as temporary makes it valid only for one pay period. This is useful for small work schedule ajustments that do not need to be permanent. After the effective pay period is passed, the employee's work schedule becomes the most recent work schedule that is not temporary.


Selecting a work schedule template will prefill the schedule information. It is still editable at this point if minor alterations need to be made.

Shift Number

If the selected schedule type is a type of flexible schedule then This lable will appear with along with a drop down for specifying whether this shift is part of the employees flex or core time bands.


For each shift in the work schedule there is a set of start/end times for all fourteen days in a payperiod. Enter the start and end times for a shift here.

All the time entered for a particular day is counted as time toward the day in which that time starts. For example if a shift goes from 11:00 pm Thursday to 1:00 am Friday, that is counted as two hours on Thursday.

Unpaid Time

This is the amount of time the employee is expected to take for a break or meal. This time is not scheduled exactly. Rather it is block of time that should be taken sometime within the scheduled time.


Some of the schedule type (the compressed schedules) include a regular day off (RDO). When making a work schedule for a compressed schedule, spedify the RDOs here.

New Row

Add a new line of shift information to the page.


Update the totals information.


Save all changes and return to the Work Schedule List page.


Abandon changes and return to the Work Schedule List page.


Approve a pending work schedule. Only approved schedules will take effect.


Deny a pending work schedule.

Revert to Pending

Set an approved or denied work schedule to the pending status.
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