
Supervisor Module


Main Menu

Getting Started

The main menu options for Supervisor access includes options to:

View or Certify T&A Data

You can look at the current state of all employees directly assigned to you or assigned to supervisors you are a supervisor delegate of. Within this function you may electronically certify that the T&A report is correct and lock the record to prevent changes. You may reject a record or remove the certification if you need to.

Leave/Premium Pay Requests

If your organization has on-line leave and premium pay requests use this function to view all requests for the employees assigned to you. Within this function you can approve or deny the requests.

webTA Reports

Any reports that are available to supervisor are listed under reports menu.

User Functions:

Delegate temporary access to the Supervisor Module to another employee. This employee will be able to perform actions on your behalf.

Change Password
Change your own system access password.This option does not appear if your system is configured to authenticate against an external system, such as an organizational directory service.

View Tasks
Administrative notices and requests for support, known as ‘tasks’, show up in your task list. If the system is not configured to email tasks, or the system cannot, for some reason, deliver the email, then you can check here to view your outstanding tasks. This option will not appear if you have no tasks, or if all your tasks were successfully emailed.

Role Selection

If you possess more than a single role in webTA, you will see buttons that allow you to switch between the roles. You only see the buttons for modules that you are authorized to use. Most people in the system have only the employee role, so do not need menu selection buttons.

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