Getting Started
Main Menu
The Employee module permits entry of daily time and attendance
data and some reimbursements. You may:
- record T&A information on a daily, weekly, or pay period
- submit work address, phone number, and e-mail updates;
- change system access password;
- verify that the data entered is correct;
- request your timekeeper to change T&A data that you are not
authorized to change (such as profile data);
- access other modules of the T&A system that you are
authorized to access.
You may only modify T&A data that is related to time-in-pay
and other-time lines of the T&A report. This permits access to
transaction codes, suffix codes, prefix codes, daily hours, dollar
amounts and remarks.
Only your timekeeper may update profile
information. Examples of profile information include pay plan,
tour of duty, duty hours, status changes, and leave balance information.
Please ask your timekeeper or supervisor if you have questions
about profile data.
Your menu options include:
Edit T&A Data
Click this button to enter T&A data for the pay period.
T&A Summary
View your T&A Summary report. This is the report that your supervisor
certifies and includes profile, payroll and leave balance information.
Leave/Premium Pay Request
Submit an electronic request for leave or premium pay (such as
overtime and compensatory time) to your supervisor or donate
leave to a leave bank or individual leave transfer account.
Edit Default Schedule
Default schedules are used for exception processing and retain data
functions. This function lets you create or modify your default
schedule so you need not enter it every pay period.
This option will be present only if your timekeeper has
configured your account to use a default schedule.
View Certified T&A’s
View prior T&A reports that have been certified by your supervisor or
certifying official. You will get a list of all of the certified T&As
in webTA and you may view any of them. Note that you may have more
than one certified T&A for a given pay period if a corrected T&A was
Any reports that are available to the employee are listed under
the reports menu.
Send Task
You can send a message, or task to your timekeeper,
requesting they perform some action or notifying them of something.
User Functions:
Change Password
Change your own system access password.This option does
not appear if your system is configured to authenticate
against an external system, such as an organizational
directory service.
View Tasks
Administrative notices and requests for support, known as
‘tasks’, show up in your task list. If the
system is not configured to email tasks, or the system
cannot, for some reason, deliver the email, then you can
check here to view your outstanding tasks. This option
will not appear if you have no tasks, or if all your
tasks were successfully emailed.
Role Selection
If you possess more than a single role in webTA, you will see
buttons that allow you to switch between the roles. You
only see the buttons for modules that
you are authorized to use. Most people in the system
have only the employee role, so do not need menu selection